January 2014

Now as a group of 8 adults we are enjoying our times together and seeking to continue to get to know each other better so we can truly be a Godly support to one another in our real lives. We also have a new family planning on joining us at the start of March, if house moving processes continue to go well. Mark and Anna are also expecting the first Grace Church baby!!

We have changed our weekly pattern slighty and now meet for Bible Study on Tuesday evenings. In this time we are going through a new resource called Uncover, which is short series of studies in Luke’s gospel. They are specifically designed to read 1to1 with non-Christian as a way of introducing Jesus and the Christian Faith to them. We are going through as a group in preparation for opportunities we may have to read it with a contact in the village.

Pub Quiz
Then on a Thursday night some of us have started going to a local pub quiz. Apart from enjoying ourselves we also hope this will be a good situation to invite people to join us in. A non-threatening environment where people can meet us and get to know us.
Although winning the quiz is not the primary objective, we were disappointed with 8th place last week!

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