Covid-Safe Policies

Following the recent changes in legislation, we have decided to return to online meetings for the time being. We will review the situation regularly and when things change again we may return to physical meetings. This is here as a reference for what that might look like,

Returning to meetings in person at Hilton Village Hall
Minimising the risk of transmission

Entry and Exit requirements

We will follow the procedures set by the village hall for entering and exiting the building

All attendees should wash their hands, or use the provided hand sanitiser, for at least 20 seconds on entering and exiting the building. Signs about this will be provided if the Village Hall doesn’t already have these in place.

Numbers and enabling social distancing

We will hire the small hall at the Village Hall. This will enable us to maintain adequate social distance between each family group/individuals.

We will monitor the number of people attending our meetings each week and ensure that we can fit everyone in whilst maintaining the necessary social distancing.

If more people want to attend than we can fit in the room, we will start a rota system, where a certain number of people attend the service in person each week and the rest watch the meeting broadcast over the internet. Those meeting in person and those watching online will be rotated each week.

Face coverings

All attendees of 11 years of age and above will be expected to wear a face mask during the meetings, unless a medical condition means this is not possible.

Seating and room set up

Seating and tables will be organised into groupings for each family to use as well as seating for any individuals. A distance of 2m will be possible between each group of chairs/individual chairs.

Where possible, we will also position seating in such a way that minimises face to face seating.

Where possible, we will open windows/fire exits to ventilate the room.

Materials and equipment

Groups including children will be asked to bring their own colouring pens rather than sharing communal pens.

Singing and verbal participation

It is now permitted to sing communally.

Those who pray out loud are encouraged to pray in a normal speaking voice rather than projecting their voices more loudly.


People showing symptoms of Covid-19 should not attend meetings in person.

We will continue to stream church meetings online for the benefit of those who have to stay at home, or for those who prefer to shield themselves whilst the virus risk remains.