Grace Church Weekend Away 2024

Dates: Friday 16th – 18th February 2023 Venue: Ilam Hall, Ilam, Ashbourne DE6 2AZ

You can find directions to Ilam Hall here- [link]
The grounds and surrounding area is open to the public so you can arrive there anytime. Rooms will be available from 4pm.

The Car Park is National Trust. If you are NT members you can use the ticket machine as usual. If you are not a member then DO NOT use the ticket machine, you will need to get a ticket for £2/night from the hostel reception.

Basic Programme

Friday Arrival from 4pm
6pm – Tea
After Tea – Kids Intro Session
8pm – Session 1
9pm – Night Walk/Hot Chocolate

Saturday 830am – Breakfast
930am – Session 2
1045am – Coffee Break
1115am – Session 3
1230pm – Lunch

Afternoon- Fun to be discussed

6pm – Tea
630pm – Session 4
745pm – Evening Entertainments
930pm snacks and board games

830am – Breakfast
Pack up and leave rooms by 930am
930am – Group Photo
945am – Sunday Meeting
1130am – Pack up and leave
1230pm – Sunday Dinner – Boar’s Head, Sudbury

Accomodation –
Families will have a room to themselves. Most of us are together on one floor.
(Please make it clear to the children that we do not go in other people’s rooms.)

All bedding is provided but you will need to bring towels.

Things to bring All the usual stuff you will need for a weekend, including outdoor clothes if you want to go for the walk, including…

  • A Bible, notebook and pen.
  • A Mug/Cup and a refillable water bottle.
  • Indoor shoes/slippers
  • Towel
    (All bedding is provided)

The Hostel has meals available for all their guests but will have some tables reserved for us. It would be good if we could eat together at the times on our timetable.

Breakfast and Dinner orders have been given to the hostel already. Speak to cHris if you need to make any changes.

Lunch on Saturday has been arranged by Emma; if you haven’t heard from her then get in touch! There is a small kitchen to store things in, our food will need to be labelled.
Those bringing their own food can also store it in the kitchen, again it should be labelled.

Sunday Lunch will be at The Boar’s Head in Sudbury. Station Rd, DE6 5GX
We have the table booked for 1230pm

There is no charge for the weekend. The elders see the weekend away as an important weekend in the life of the church, so we have money set aside to pay for it. We will talk about the overall costs afterwards, and you are welcome to increase your regular giving in response.

Get in touch if you have any questions.